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Confidence Through Knowledge


Quick Guide to Rules of Order

Based on Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised 10th Edition

Steps to Handle a Motion

  1. A member makes a motion
  2. Another member seconds the motion,
  3. The Chair states the motion, passing ownership of the motion to the assembly,
  4. The members debate the motion,
  5. The chair puts the question (motion) to a vote, and
  6. The chair announces the result and effect of the vote.


Making a Motion

The member must first get recognition by the Chair, stand, and “move” that the organization take action or a stand. The member that makes the motion, has the right to speak first to the motion if they wish, can not speak against their own motion, but can vote against their motion.


What is a “Second”?

A member who seconds a motion, only agrees to the consideration of the motion by the assembly, and may not in fact agree with the motion and may wish to speak against the motion in debate.


Rules of Debate

Every member has the right to speak to every debatable motion before it is finally acted upon, unless this right is interfered with by a two-thirds vote of the assembly.

A member has the right to make two speeches of ten minutes length per day on each debatable question, and to change the limits of debate requires a motion adopted by a two-thirds vote. No member can speak a second time before another member who has not yet spoken wishes to speak.

In debate, members should observe the following;

The Chair must remain impartial during debate and should have nothing to say on the merits of a pending question. To participate in debate, the Chair must relinquish the chair.






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